Conversion milles en kilometre
Conversion milles en kilometre

conversion milles en kilometre conversion milles en kilometre

The prefix milli means thousandth, 0.001 or 10 -3. Convert miles to Km in 2 seconds tecmath 1.39M subscribers Join Share 71K views 3 years ago Couple of easy math tricks for you Convert from miles to kilometres instantly, and the back. A centimetre is 0.01 metres and a centilitre is 0.01L. The prefix centi means 0.01, 10 -2 or a hundredth. So a kilometre is 1,000 m, a kilogram is 1,000 g and a kilowatt is 1,000 W. The prefix kilo means 1,000 or 10 3 in standard form. These prefixes can be applied to any metric unit and you should recognise them from everyday life. Convert Miles to Kilometres (mi km) Miles to Kilometres From To Miles Kilometres Precision: decimal digits Convert from Miles to Kilometres.


Before we can understand how to convert between these units, we must first understand the differences between centimetres, metres and kilometres.Ī metre is a standard metric unit of length that can be modified by using a metric prefix such as milli, centi or kilo.

conversion milles en kilometre

In the UK, we tend to measure large distances in miles, and smaller distances in metres. Convertissez Milles à Kilomètres km mi 0.62137 Kilomètres Le kilomètre est une unité de longueur du système métrique égale à mille mètres.

Conversion milles en kilometre